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Building the Zylo Integration for Slack

zylo slack integration


Get SaaS App Feedback, Increase Responses and Act on Insights with the Zylo Integration for Slack

If you are like me, you easily get more email during the course of the day than you know what to do with. Recently I took a few days off and was surprised at the amount of email I receive on a daily basis. For our team Slack account, I decided to go ‘away’ instead of signing out completely. Over those few days I didn’t mind the occasional slack message, since the content and questions are all relevant.

The Zylo application recently added the ability for companies to request user feedback about their cloud applications deployed across the business. This works by sending a Net-Promoter score survey to any user of the application. The Net-Promoter score is a single question survey with the ability to provide a 0 – 10 score and optional additional feedback.

Today we are announcing the Zylo integration for Slack, where you can unlock the ability to directly survey users of cloud applications across your business right where they spend their time, in Slack. Using Zylo’s Net-Promoter Score based tools in Slack’s new Message Menus, teams can target users of applications with a quick direct message in Slack.

We are excited to be building out our Net-Promoter score survey using the new Message Menus. Message Menus allows us to use the traditional 0-10 ranking, but in a clean format that is more compatible with the Slack application. Before Message Menus, we would have had to try to squeeze 11 buttons in a Slack message to replicate the functionality of the email survey.

Using this feature is quite simple and just requires that you define the menu using the attachment section in your interactive message. You can see a partial sample of the definition below.

Since we wanted to provide an unbiased list of ranking options, we chose to not pre-select or alter our menu. But those features are available if you want to provide a more customized experience. While this feature is very simple, we believe it will give our customers a new channel to receive feedback and enhance the response rate.

Everyone on the product and engineering teams was excited to work on this integration and we hope it is just the beginning of our Zylo bot. To learn more about Zylo’s Slack integrations, request a demo and connect with one of our experts!