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Welcome to SaaSMe Day Two On-Demand!

Get Smarter about Zylo

Now on-demand, watch Day Two of SaaSMe 2023. This hands-on learning experience was designed exclusively for you – our customer – to help you get the most value out of Zylo’s enterprise platform and expert services. You can also catch all the Day One sessions here.

SaaSMe afterparty

Enjoy These Day Two Sessions

More Savings, More Time, More Peace of Mind with Managed Services

Many of us are getting pushed to accomplish more with fewer resources. Hear from smart leaders who have turned to managed services to unlock additional bandwidth and resources for their team with driving cost savings for their organization.

Zylo 101: Usage Insights & Workflows

Ready to uplevel your license optimization game? This session will explore how to leverage Zylo’s usage insights and workflows to translate data into insights and then action! Learn how to measure and drive utilization across your SaaS stack, deprovision and downgrade in real-time and manage licenses across multiple organizations.

Sharpening Your SaaS Optimization Strategy with Benchmarks

As the saying goes, “the essence of strategy is choosing what not to do.” Yet deciding when and how to offload important tasks like SaaS renewals to a third-party can be a difficult choice to make.  Learn how the team at Redis leverage Zylo’s Managed Services alongside Zylo Benchmarks to take a strategic approach to optimizing their SaaS.

Zylo 101: Reporting & Saved Filters

Communicating the progress and wins of your SaaS management program is critical to driving success. This session will explore how to use Zylo’s saved filters and reporting to evangelize both the scale of the problem and the impact you’re delivering with your SaaS management program.

Assigning Ownership Across the Enterprise

Understanding and assigning application ownership within your organization is a crucial part of managing SaaS subscriptions. Visibility into who is responsible for which applications is key to the success of your SaaS management program. In this session, we’ll walk through best practices related to assigning ownership of applications and explore how some of our customers are leveraging this function within their organizations.

Conquering the Chaos of SaaS Contracts

Ready to streamline your SaaS contract management? Contracts hold valuable SaaS data that impacts your ability to operationalize renewals and realize cost savings. Yet, managing all the data in these contracts can be a pain in your SaaS. Join Zylo’s Integrations Director Joan Schrenkel as she explores Zylo’s new Contract Center and how leverage this new contract data management experience to fuel cost savings and faster renewals.

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