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Enterprise business professional working on spend management plaform Zylo on her computer at the office

June 12 @ 12:30 PM ET

Unlock SaaS Savings with Zylo Benchmarks

Are you struggling with SaaS pricing? Enjoy lunch on us as we explore how Zylo Benchmarks and Benchmarks as a Service can help you make smarter purchases and renewals.

How Can Benchmarks Help You?

  • Fair Market Pricing: To ensure you’re paying the right price for your software, use Zylo’s Price Benchmarks to compare industry standards and negotiate better terms so you can confidently renew your SaaS.
  • Optimize Your Software Portfolio: Compare your SaaS stack with your peers using Portfolio Benchmarks to ensure you’re investing in the right tools for your organization’s needs.
  • Choose the Best Applications: With Popular Application Benchmarks, you can confidently decide which applications to standardize on, reducing redundancy and saving money.

Ready to choose the best products at the best price? Join us for our Lunch and Learn session to discover how Zylo Benchmarks and Benchmarks as a Service will help you gain the confidence to maximize your savings and make smarter SaaS decisions.