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Why SAM Tools Just Don’t Cut It for SaaS

In this episode, Meredith Albertson and Zylo Product Manager Connor Mullany discuss the challenges and limitations of traditional Software Asset Management (SAM) tools when it comes to managing Software as a Service (SaaS). Learn where SAM tools miss the mark, the importance of managing tail spend, and why a specialized tool is needed to address the complexities of modern software usage and licensing.


  • 00:00 Introduction
  • 01:02 Is There One Solution for Managing Both On-Prem and SaaS?
  • 03:11 SAM Tool vs SaaS Management Platform: Which Is the Quickest Time to Value
  • 04:50 Where Traditional SAM Tools Excel
  • 05:48 Where Traditional SAM Tools Miss the Mark on SaaS
  • 07:56 Conclusion and What to Expect in the Next Episode

To learn more about the tool needed for SaaS Management and other aspects of building a program, check out The No-BS SaaS Management Playbook.