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Zylo Professional Services

Save Money & Time. Get More Peace of Mind.

A Guaranteed Return on Your SaaS Management Investment

With Zylo, you get more than just a platform. Our suite of SaaS Managed Services uses a team of industry experts to deliver cost savings while freeing up your resources. From implementing SaaS Management best practices to managing SaaS contracts and data, execute your SaaS strategy without adding extra headcount.

Managed Services Success Stories

How Versapay Leverages Zylo’s Platform and Managed Services to Take Control of SaaS

Learn how Versapay’s IT team taps into the Zylo platform and a dedicated SaaS management resource to optimize its SaaS portfolio and drive cost and time savings.

  • Key Outcomes
    • Saved 4% of their total SaaS spend in the first 3 months, and 16% in the first year working with Zylo
    • Revealed 30% overspend in budget
    • Saved 10 hours per week, allowing more focus on strategic work
    • 75 contracts negotiated by Zylo in year one
    • Reduced number of applications by 10% while experiencing rapid growth
How Talkdesk Streamlines SaaS Negotiations for Better Outcomes with Zylo

Discover how Talkdesk’s IT and procurement teams leverage Zylo to improve SaaS negotiations and cross-functional collaboration, while saving time and money.

  • Key Outcomes
    • $350,000 in annual savings in just a few months
    • 24 negotiations & 5 benchmarks, with 16 additional negotiations in progress in just 6 months
    • Nearly immediate ROI, with the service paying for itself in three weeks
    • Realized same output as a full-time employee
    • Better collaboration between IT, procurement, and business units
Versapay OfficeTalkdesk customer story

It’s All in the Numbers

The amount of renewals the average organization experiences in a year


How much the average company wastes on unused SaaS licenses


The amount of SaaS licenses wasted in an average 30-day period

Hear It From Our Customers

Simpler SaaS Management Starts Here

Save Time & Money Guaranteed

Our team of experts leverage the industry’s best data, market intelligence and practices to deliver unbeatable results. Save money, save time and get the most value out of your SaaS investments with Zylo’s Managed Services. Talk with a specialist to learn more today.