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Unleashing the Power of Software Usage Data with Zylo’s Usage Connect

Usage Connect


In the ever-evolving world of software management, one thing remains constant: the need for complete visibility into software usage. Without it, controlling costs, maintaining efficient operations, and ensuring compliance becomes a daunting task. 

When usage data cannot be centralized on a platform purpose-built to analyze and take action on inactive users, unique licensing models, manual data manipulation, and technical and security challenges can make your head spin.

Enter Zylo’s Usage Connect.

This powerful tool complements our existing direct usage and SSO integrations, and public API. But, now it allows you to connect tens of thousands of apps and control your data with a no-code app connection experience. From there, IT, Software Asset Management, and Procurement professionals can: 

  • Reclaim inactive licenses – ahead of renewal, when seats are getting low, or programmatically 
  • Compare users across redundant applications.
  • Analyze adoption across teams and business units.
  • Make data-driven, informed decisions.

Usage Connect on Laptop

Connect with Ease Using No-Code Connections

Flexible, User Interface-driven data mapping empowers your team to publish data with ease and ensures your company has the data required for licensing decisions. 

Automatic connections are configured for applications requiring on-demand or ongoing visibility and optimization. To take advantage of critical moments ahead of renewals, users can easily configure a manual connection to reclaim inactive users and only buy the licenses they need. 

Adding a new connection through Zylo's Usage Connect“Within a few clicks, I quickly and easily connected multiple new applications to Zylo using Usage Connect – applications where we previously had no actionable data without significant manual manipulation,” said Mohamed Safiedine, Director of Digital Business Operations at ModMed. 

“Within minutes of connecting, I kicked off license reclamation workflows that resulted in the removal of inactive licenses. Having the uploaded data tie in with the data from our HRIS integration was a feature that truly exceeded our expectations. Zylo’s Usage Connect is a game-changer when it comes to effectively managing our SaaS.”

Harness the Power of Context

Once connected, your usage data in Zylo lives side-by-side with your spend, contracts, and business information. That includes data such as owners, cost centers, departments, and business goals for that application. 

  • Beyond quantifying the number of licenses and inactive users, spend, and contract detail provides cost and financial context.
  • Renewal dates drive prioritization of license reclamation. Removing inactive users ahead of a renewal is among the most impactful cost-saving actions your business can take.
  • Easily navigate the complex ownership of SaaS applications in your business. Find the right collaborators for application redundancy and users assigned multiple applications with overlapping functionality. 

With this information, your IT, SAM, and Procurement teams have the data to make informed decisions and strategically manage your apps and licenses.

Connection Details for Each App via Usage Connect

Overcome Technical Limitations

Usage Connect helps you overcome technical limitations presented by vendor APIs and traditional data sources.

  • It unlocks usage data for key applications where vendors’ API shortcomings prevent direct API integrations.
  • You can overcome SSO limitations that lead to incomplete or partial data by creating connections to trusted sources. 
  • Plus, you can configure connections to applications without the technical resources required to leverage APIs.

“We cannot justify moving to the enterprise plan of an application just to get API access or to set a tool up behind SSO. Usage Connect allows us to still gain visibility into the usage of these apps and manage the licenses.”

Director of IT at a 3,000 employee technology company

Comply with Your Company’s Data Control and Security Policies

With Usage Connect, you can create usage connections that comply with your company’s data control and security policies. You have control over every detail about what data is shared, how it is shared, and who has access to the data once in Zylo.

This means you can avoid integrations where a vendor’s API permissions require unacceptable levels of access to your SaaS platforms and SSO providers. 

As a Director of IT at a 37,000+ employee Telecom company noted, “Global Admin was a non-starter with our security team. But that is the permission required by a vendor for an application we critically needed usage data for. Now we have that data thanks to Usage Connect.”

The Future of SaaS Management

Zylo securely unlocks the usage data you need to manage your licenses and users. The only enterprise answer to unleashing usage data in an actionable way is with a flexible approach.

Control costs, keep operations efficient, and stay compliant by centralizing your usage data and unleashing insights with a solution that affords your company the flexibility you need. With Zylo’s Usage Connect, you can manage your software usage data with confidence, without compromise.

This holistic view enables you to gain insights into inactive users and analyze usage data without the need for manual manipulation.

The result? A powerful license reclamation workflow that eliminates waste and allows you to compare adoption, users’ applications, and licenses across similar applications natively in Zylo’s UI. 

To see how Usage Connect can power better SaaS management, request a demo with one of our experts.



Thom McCorkle

As Zylo's Director of Product Marketing, Thom is responsible for leading Zylo's product marketing strategy and execution with a passion for aligning customer needs and Zylo's value into everything we build and launch. He brings 7+ years of experience working with Zylo's customers and prospects with various roles from leading Customer Success to enablement and sales/solution strategy.