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Take Control of Renewals

Manage SaaS Renewals With Confidence and Without Surprises

Control Renewals & Manage Software Licenses at Scale

Get a Personalized Demo

It’s time to discover, optimize, and govern your SaaS portfolio. Book your demo today and see how our enterprise SaaS management platform and expert SaaS negotiator services help you:

  • Save up to 20% on SaaS with zero risk
  • Discover and optimize all SaaS subscriptions and licenses
  • Take control of your renewals
  • Ensure SaaS compliance
  • Empower your employees with the tools they need

In less than a half hour, you’ll get a clear picture of how Zylo can help simplify your SaaS.

Empower Data-Driven Negotiation Across Your Entire Stack

  • Gain Negotiating Power by Knowing Your Numbers

    Zylo surfaces license, subscription, and payment data across your portfolio, and benchmarks against the market, so you can confidently negotiate and renew – or we can do it for you.

  • Prepare for Renewals in Hours, Not Days

    By eliminating manual research and analysis, Zylo instantly arms your IT and procurement teams with data and benchmarks, so they can negotiate even better contracts.

  • Stay on Top of Renewals at Massive Scale

    Even if your portfolio includes thousands of applications, Zylo manages all of your renewal dates and alerts your team to timely action.

  • Gain Negotiating Power by Knowing Your Numbers

    Zylo surfaces license, subscription, and payment data across your portfolio, and benchmarks against the market, so you can confidently negotiate and renew – or we can do it for you.

  • Prepare for Renewals in Hours, Not Days

    By eliminating manual research and analysis, Zylo instantly arms your IT and procurement teams with data and benchmarks, so they can negotiate even better contracts.

  • Stay on Top of Renewals at Massive Scale

    Even if your portfolio includes thousands of applications, Zylo manages all of your renewal dates and alerts your team to timely action.

application renewal

Renewal Calendar & Alerts

Proactively Manage Renewals with Dates and Data

Manage upcoming renewals and rationalize them against other applications in your portfolio, using the latest user activity, notes about the application, and whether or not it is in your approved App Catalog. With Zylo’s renewal alerts, you’ll never be caught unawares again on upcoming renewals. With email and Slack notifications, your team can prepare in advance to manage renewals for optimal results.

Contracts & Payments

All of Your Contracts, All in One Place

Manage your SaaS contracts in Zylo, so there’s no more hunting for missing contracts or relying on support from your legal team. Keep track of payment activity, load contract details, and save all of your contract documents in Zylo for an at-a-glance reference during renewals.


Drive the Best Prices with the Best Data

Renew with confidence by tapping Zylo’s industry-leading Portfolio, Popular Application and Price Benchmarks. With anonymized data from the sector’s largest customer base, you can find the right products at the right price to solve your users’ needs.

Users & Sentiment

Renew the Applications Your Users Want to Use

Keep tabs of which applications your users actually use, easily request feedback, and collect user sentiment from your team prior to renewals.

See How Zylo Helps Businesses Like Yours

Keap Goes Cloud-First with Zylo and Okta Leading the Charge

Learn how Keap uses Okta and Zylo to enhance productivity, streamline software spend, and reduce the burden on IT personnel by automating rote tasks like user provisioning.

  • Key Outcomes
    • Leveraged usage analytics to drive optimization and security
    • Gained visibility into SaaS portfolio to stay in front of shadow IT
    • Increased IT efficiency and productivity
REA Group Takes Control of SaaS Growth and Risk

How REA Group gained full visibility into their growing SaaS portfolio to unlock cost savings and mitigate risk.

  • Key Outcomes
    • Identified more than $100K/yr in savings ($300k total to date)
    • Uncovered more than $550,000 in additional cost savings across top spend applications
    • Discovered 150 previously unknown expensed applications
How Showpad’s Procurement Team Re-Imagined SaaS Management with Zylo

Learn how Showpad ditched its spreadsheet-based approach in favor of smarter, simpler, and more effective SaaS Management with Zylo.

  • Key Outcomes
    • Identified opportunities to save €500,000 in SaaS spend through rightsizing and proactive renewal management
    • Within a week, avoided an unnecessary renewal of an unused application.
    • Leveraging usage data, negotiated a lower cost contract for one of its SaaS tools
How Talkdesk Streamlines SaaS Negotiations for Better Outcomes with Zylo

Discover how Talkdesk’s IT and procurement teams leverage Zylo to improve SaaS negotiations and cross-functional collaboration, while saving time and money.

  • Key Outcomes
    • $350,000 in annual savings in just a few months
    • 24 negotiations & 5 benchmarks, with 16 additional negotiations in progress in just 6 months
    • Nearly immediate ROI, with the service paying for itself in three weeks
    • Realized same output as a full-time employee
    • Better collaboration between IT, procurement, and business units

Align Procurement Priorities with User Choice

Make informed SaaS purchasing decisions easily and with confidence. When it comes time to purchase or renew, Zylo gives procurement teams a view of all the SaaS in their business at a glance, including applications with functionality overlaps. Benchmark against your peers to make sure you’re getting the right software at the right price. Easily drill down into usage data to understand user choice, get a clear picture of billing and payments to identify opportunities to consolidate contracts, and ultimately focus your spend on the best SaaS for your business.