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Simplify Salesforce License Management with Zylo

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Zylo’s sophisticated integration with Salesforce enables advanced utilization tracking and license management, across multiple Salesforce orgs.

Salesforce license management creates a challenge for many organizations. As an enterprise application, Salesforce is a highly flexible, customizable platform that offers a wide range of products, services, and third-party applications.

Consequently, Salesforce is often a mission-critical tool for an entire enterprise. However, because Salesforce deployments are highly customizable, enterprises struggle to manage the platform, measure platform utilization, and optimize licenses.

Some of the reasons Salesforce license management can be difficult include:

License and Feature Diversity

Identifying licenses amongst various Salesforce toolsets offered, such as the Salesforce CRM, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, and others, is difficult due to the number of toolsets and their unique individual license, feature, and permissions structures.

Siloed License Information

Multiple teams can also create multiple instances of Salesforce environments. This customization frequently creates opaque silos or islands of licensing information within a business with no single dashboard or reporting tool for all licenses.

Lack of Standardized User-Level Reporting

Even if and when licenses are identified within their respective property, business unit, or application, utilization data is typically not normalized or standard across the deployment. This lack of standardization makes “apples to apples” comparisons of license information such as usage data difficult.

Zylo Simplifies Salesforce License Management

Zylo’s in-depth integration simplifies Salesforce license management by making all user license information and utilization data visible in real time.

Our advanced Salesforce License Management Workflow enables Zylo admins to identify and deprovision inactive or underutilized Salesforce licenses. Then admins can reharvest the licenses to increase value, whether through cost savings or increasing app security.

Zylo approaches license management from a per-user basis, showing connections between individual users, their license type, and utilization data across the entire deployment.

With this integration, Zylo admins can see which users have access to Salesforce, what license types they possess including features and permissions, and each user’s utilization.

This management viewpoint not only creates the ability to leverage new value-improvement and cost-containment opportunities but also reduces the effort required to manage Salesforce licenses continuously.

Identify All Salesforce Users

The Zylo-Salesforce integration allows users to assess which employees within the organization do or do not have a Salesforce license regardless of property, application, or business unit.

View All User Licenses, Features, and Permissions

Zylo also pinpoints and documents each user’s license features and permissions. This additional information allows technology resource managers (such as IT, Procurement, or Salesforce admins) to create an accurate inventory no matter how broad the spectrum of their Salesforce deployment.

Salesforce integration users

RELATED: License Management Workflow Enables Seamless License Optimization

Measure Salesforce License Utilization

With direct integration into Salesforce that curates utilization data, Zylo removes the manual effort required to pull usage metrics from licenses across various toolsets in a typical Salesforce deployment.

Consolidating and displaying this information in a single dashboard unlocks new insights into user activity and utilization.

This information can then be used to make value-improvement decisions. Savings and improved value opportunities often include deprovisioning inactive users, rightsizing total license counts, and removing unused features or permissions.

Build Automated Workflows to Reclaim Underutilized Licenses

Lastly, Zylo’s Salesforce integration unlocks the ability to create a time-saving workflow that automates proactive license management.

The automation groups the following steps into a customizable workflow:

  1. Identify Salesforce users who are inactive based on custom-defined activity thresholds.
  2. Compose and send a custom survey message that queries the selected users to relinquish underutilized licenses.
  3. Collects all survey responses from the identified users.
  4. Deprovisions Salesforce licenses, making them available for reassignment.

The IT Leader’s Guide to Software License Management

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Gain Advanced Salesforce License Management

Zylo’s Salesforce integration enables the continuous, proactive management of Salesforce license sets. This process reduces administrative overhead, reveals new insights into license activity, and highlights additional ways to improve value.

Attempting to gather this information just before a renewal decision or an ad hoc basis often proves difficult. However, continuously managing Salesforce licenses ensures that the data that optimizes value is always within reach.

An actively monitored license and subscription inventory helps ensure that:

  • Users hold licenses appropriate for their needs
  • Users hold licenses at the right times, including seasonal provisioning
  • The organization holds an appropriate amount of licenses for its current and near-future needs
  • The organization holds up-to-date information on usage and other activity for purchased licenses
  • Stakeholders make informed Salesforce renewal decisions for the current deployment
  • Stakeholders make informed purchase decisions for any new additional Salesforce tools or features that may be purchased

Zylo’s Salesforce integration improves the value of Salesforce by simplifying the process of managing licenses, users, and utilization. See all Zylo integrations to see how Zylo simplifies Salesforce license management and other mission-critical enterprise applications.To see how Zylo simplifies enterprise SaaS management, request a demo today.